ENSO Title

El Nino Scenario


The following animations are created from the data included in the CD-ROM: (images are generated by GrADS)

movie Regional Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies & Wind Fields (quicktime movie, 8.9 mb)

movie Regional Precipitation Anomalies & Wind Fields (quicktime movie, 8.9 mb)

QuickTime Information

NOTE: These are large movies, so be sure your browser memory is set with a high enough threshold.

The El Nino/Southern Oscillation

El Nino (Spanish name for the Christ boy child) was originally a regional name for the annual warming of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Ecuador and Peru around Christmas time. In recent years it has been used to refer to a much larger semi-periodic phenomenon known in full as the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (or ENSO). The Southern Oscillation is a shift in the relative sea surface pressure values between large areas of the Eastern and Western tropical Southern Pacific. Historically the surface pressures at Tahiti, French Polynesia and Darwin, Australia have been available and used in most studies. The strength and even the direction of the trade winds varies with the pressure shifts. The El Nino/Southern Oscillation is the largest known global climate variability signal on inter-annual time-scales.

The ENSO system is a semi-periodic oscillator whose major parameters include the sea surface temperature and pressure, the surface wind, and the upper (warm water) layer thickness (ULT). Roughly every three to seven years, an El Nino event develops which lasts for several months and includes a general warming of the Central and Eastern tropical Pacific. The strongest El Nino recorded occurred in 1982-1983. At present (December 1997) a warming event is developing that some predict will be just as strong. This event can have severe impacts on the local (Eastern Pacific) fishing industry as well as global impacts, both economically and climatologically.

An El Nino occurs when the easterly trade winds in the tropical Pacific dwindle or reverse direction. This occurs in sequence with a longitudinal shift in the tropical Pacific surface pressure, which is one of the phases in the Southern Oscillation. During non-El Nino periods the surface pressure in the Western Pacific is lower than in the Eastern Pacific. As a consequence the winds blow from east to west across the Pacific, pushing the heated surface water to the west, allowing cooler water to upwell in the east, and resulting in higher sea surface levels in the Western Pacific than in the Eastern Pacific. During an El Nino event the trade winds dissipate, and in sever El Nino events reverse directions. The change in trade winds results in warmer waters from the Western Pacific migrating eastward, balancing the sea surface level between the Western and Eastern Pacific. As the warm waters migrate, the cool nutrient-rich waters normally found along the coast of South America, are replaced with warmer, nutrient-depleted waters. This change in Ocean temperatures affects precipitation and wind patterns throughout the tropical Pacific and beyond. It also causes a reduction in marine fish and plant life in the Eastern Pacific.

This series of events also help trigger off-equatorial baroclinic Rossby waves in the upper layer of the ocean which slowly travel across the Pacific. The reflection of these waves from the western land boundary and their subsequent arrival back in the eastern equatorial Pacific act to thin the El Nino warm water layer there and help halt the El Nino (Graham and White, 1988; Philander, 1990). The opposite of an El Nino event is called La Niña, and is characterized by a cooling event in the tropical Eastern Pacific, resulting in the return of strong easterly trade winds, that flow from regions of high to low pressure. These easterly trade winds deepen the original cooling in the eastern Pacific. La Niña occurs in sequence with a decrease in the Western Pacific sea surface pressure and an increase in the Eastern Pacific sea surface pressure. This is the other phase in the Southern Oscillation. The reasons why the amplitudes and periods of El Nino and La Niña events vary as they do are still being investigated.

Impacts ENSO has on Global Climate and Human Activity

By some estimates, ENSO is responsible for a large number of weather-related disasters, dramatic changes in marine ecology over tropical islands and coastal regions, and severe economical losses due to floods, famine and crop failures in many countries along the tropical and sub-tropical belt. ENSO is a large-scale disruption of the ocean-atmosphere system in the tropical Pacific with long-distance "teleconnections" which perturb weather around the globe, such as:

These multiple impacts on the global climate can show up in the global economy.

Parameters Involved

Some key parameters for ENSO include:

The SOI is a measure of the phase and amplitude of the Southern Oscillation which describes the seesaw in surface patterns between the Eastern and Western Pacific regions. Because Tahiti and Darwin are located near opposite poles of the oscillation, the pressure difference (Tahiti minus Darwin) is widely used as an index of the phase and amplitude of the Southern Oscillation. The El Nino events show large negative SOI deviations, while the La Nina events show positive SOI deviations.

Sea Surface Temperature (SST) changes associated with ENSO are Pacific-wide, and possibly global in extent. The appearance of warm water over the equatorial central and eastern Pacific is associated with anomalous weather fluctuations elsewhere in the tropics and the extra-tropics, due in part to the influence of SST on the large-scale atmospheric circulation. Therefore, SST is the most important parameter for ENSO monitoring, and is the key predictor in all ENSO forecast schemes.

During ENSO, large scale SST changes are accompanied by changes in the distribution of atmospheric heat sources and sinks in the form of latent heat released in tropical rainfall. Extratropical precipitation patterns may also be shifted through teleconnections.

One principal link between ENSO-related changes in the atmospheric circulation and those of the ocean circulation is the sea surface wind stress. Therefore, the wind fields are also important for ENSO monitoring.

Additional Discussion of ENSO on the Web

NOAA/PMEL/TAO Frequently Asked Questions about Climate and El Nino
The **OFFICIAL** El Nino Hotline of DOOM!
COAPS Library: El Nino Resource Center
WCCO Channel 4000 News - El Ni±o
Online NewsHour Forum: El Ni±o Makes Itself Known -- October 3, 1997
El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
NOAA/PMEL/TAO - What is an El Nino (ENSO)?
November 10, 1997 ENSO Advisory
Preparing for El Nino - Winter storms, rain, flooding, San Francisco
FEMA - El Ni±o Section
El Ni±o Forecast, SIO Climate Research
El Ni±o.Com
El Nino Media Information Homepage
El Ni±o Grande
El Ni±o and the Southern Oscillation: A Reversal of Fortune
The Current State of the Tropical Pacific
NOAA/OGP El Ni±o-Southern Oscillation Page
Environmental News Network El Ni±o Special Report
NOAA/PMEL/TAO El Nino Theme Page - access distributed climate data and information related to the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon
COAPS Library Bibliography: El Ni±o and Flooding
The 1997 El Ni±o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO 97-98)


Allan, R. J., N. Nicholls, P. D. Jones, and I. J. Butterworth, 1991: A further extension of the Tahiti-Darwin SOI, Early ENSO events and Darwin pressure, J. Climate, 4, 743-749.

Bhalme, H.N.; Jadhav, S.K. : The Southern Oscillation and its relation to the monsoon rainfall, J. of Climatology, 4(5), 509-20.

Canby, T. Y. : El Ni±o's ill wind, National Geographic, 165(2), 144-183.

Dilley, M. and B.N. Heyman, 1995 : ENSO and disaster: Droughts, floods and El Ni±o/Southern Oscillation warm events, DISASTERS, 19(3), 181-193.

Dracup, J.A.; Piechota, T.C.; Khachikian, C.S. : The hydroclimatology of the United States during El Ni±o/Southern Oscillation, Proceedings of water resources and environmental hazards, emphasis on hydrologic and cultural insights in the pacific rim., vp.

Goldberg, R.A.; Tisnado, M.G.; Scofield, R.A., 1987: Characteristics of extreme rainfall events in northwestern Peru during the 1982-3 El Ni±o period, J. Geophys. Res. (USA), Journal of Geophysical Research, 92(C13), 14225-41.

Gordon, H.B.; Hunt, B.G. : Droughts, floods, and sea-surface temperature anomalies, a modeling approach, International J. of Climatology, 11(4), 347-65.

Graham and White, 1988: The El Nino cycle: a natural oscillator of the Pacific Ocean-atmosphere system, Science, 240, 1293-1302.

Lau, K.M. & A.J. Busalacchi, 1993 : El Nino Southern Oscillation, a view from space, Atlas of Satellite Observations Related to Global Change, Cambridge University Press.

Philander, S. George, 1990 : El Nino, La Niña, and the Southern Oscillation, Academic Press, INC., 289 pp.

Quinn, W.H.; Neal, V.T.; Antunez de Mayolo, S.E., 1987 : El Ni±o occurrences over the past four and a half centuries, J. Geophys. Res. (USA), J. of Geophysical Research, 92(C13), 14449-61.

Rasmussen, E.M., 1985 : El Nino and variations in climate, American Scientist, 73, 168-177.

Reynolds, R. W. and T. M. Smith, 1994 : Improved global sea surface temperature analyses, J. Climate, 7, 929-948.

Reynolds, R. W., and T. M. Smith, 1995 : A high-resolution global sea surface temperature climatology, J. Climate, 8, 1571-1583.

Ropelewski, C. F., and P. D. Jones, 1987 : An extension of the Tahiti-Darwin Southern Oscillation Index, Mon. Wea. Rev., 115, 2161-2165.

Wells, L.E., 1987: An alluvial record of El Ni±o events from northern coastal Peru, J. Geophys. Res. (USA), J. of Geophysical Research, 92(C13), 14463-70.

Whetton, P.; Rutherfurd, I. : Historical ENSO teleconnections in the eastern hemisphere, Climatic Change, 28(3), 221-53.

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Last update:Wed Oct 1 12:30:42 EDT 1997
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NASA official: Paul Chan, DAAC Manager -- chan@daac.gsfc.nasa.gov